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Work in 2030 is flexible, of site and with more autonomy

The way of working as we know it today will completely gone in 2030. We will work longer and will work in a different way. Not necessarily in the office, without fixed hours, with less routine, more flexibility and more autonomy. 

That is the outcome of a reaseach that was conducted under four thousand UK office workers and about thirty experts who were questioned by the British Agency for the Social Fund on the lookout for the workplace of the future.

Flexible working

That flexible way of working won’t be here for tomorrow yet. Employers distrust employees and employees distrust homework flexibility. Employers expect their employees to perform better when agile working that they are stand-by during the weekends and on holiday.

Work life balance

For this reason employees are afraid that flexibility is synonymous for working all the time and anywhere. They are specifically looking for a better balance between work and their life beyond work. They hope to have childcare within the company, flexible communting and the would like more autonomy to plan their day and week ahead.


We have the opinion that everyone has to work longer, except ourselves. Also job vacancies are still mainly asking for experience and still too little for competencies. And will everybody be OK with the flexible competence society of the future?
Almost half of the the UK office workers would now occasionally, want to work from home. But by 2030 that working from home is part of a broader agile working approach, according to the research.

The New Way Of Working 

Then, we work not only at home but also on satellite workstations. An office space paln will then look totally different. Results of office occupancy measurement research has shown that the actual office occupancy rating is closer to 50% than is generally accepted 66%. 

More than one in three UK office workers think that the standard ‘nine to five’ regime work will also be gone by 2030. Work will no longer be pinned down to a particular place or a particular time.